Wednesday, December 26, 2012

last week hrs

40 hrs Last week i learned what to look for in a D.O.T inspection.  A  D.O.T inspection is a yearly inspection all on road trucks have follow.  In a nutshell it is a extremly detailed look over

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week hrs

This week I learned some times the best way to get something done is the flaming saber and a air hammer aka: the thumper... had frozen slacks and s cams

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Week hrs

42 hrs this week. This week I learned a lot about paying really close attention to detail because when doing  a service it gives you the oppertunity to find more work for the shop

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Flaring metal lines

This is a picture of single and a double flare I would have never guessed something that looked so easy could be so hard to get right

Sunday, November 25, 2012

week hrs

25 hrs This week i learned about 5.4l triton v8 and the fuel injectors.  Ford had a really bad design and designed a one pintle injector these have notorious problems.  The complant was a rough idle.  The good news was we have a mechanic that works on alot of fords and knew where to start and what it was most likly.  After little testing we found and fixed the problem by cleaning the injectors. Some designs can be so poor.  Just like the newer fords 04 and up gas.They have a serious problems with the spark plug blowing out of the block or breaking inside the block and can make a already not so fun job into aworse job

Sunday, November 18, 2012

week hrs/reflection of learning

40 hrs

This week i learned alot about using the modis diagnostic tool.  Also i learned alot about safety watching Jeff's wartsila video.  Also this week a co worker and i  started a plan to keep our shop organized and clean up some of the clutter both making the shop more efficient and easy to work in.  Organization is a big factor of efficiency.  We made places for everything to be.  Now hopefully the other mechanics will keep with the program.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Modis testing

These pictures are the Modis testing on the schools dodge pickup and the freightliner.  It is pretty cool that you can see when the cam position sensor is at tdc and starting over. Using the Modis is very effictive tool for diagnosing and verifying problems

Saturday, November 10, 2012

40 hrs this week
320 total hrs

This week i learned alot about using the modis to diagnose problems before opening the hood. I also find it interesting that you can make all the functions of the vehicle work from the modis.  I find it challenging to verify my finding with the modis.  On the schools dodge pickup i diagnosed the problem but wanted to open the hood to verify my findings when i need to learn to trust the modis and my ability to use it effectivly 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week hrs

40 hrs total and learned how an o ring on an injecter can cause failure of the injecter because it creates an leak

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Week hrs/ reflection of learning

12 hrs at the school
28 hrs at work

This week I learned how to rebuild a different style of transmission and I also learned how to pound the seals in a front differential.  The learning will never stop.  Every day I learn something different

Friday, October 19, 2012

week hrs/ reflection of learning

12 hrs at btc
25hrs at work

This week i learned alot about the proper procedure for using a micrometer.  I thought i could measure things at the drop of a hat but i was wrong.  I had to go back a remember how to do certain things.  Also after watching the lethal strike video it goes to show that even things that someone thinks are minor can be major.  I never would have thought that high pressure oil injections can cause  so much damage.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Week hrs/reflection

12hrs at btc
25 hrs at work

After working for awhile in a shop my attention to detail is getting better and better. I am finding more Things I use to miss. Practice makes perfect

Thursday, October 4, 2012


I have been reading a lot of material in the engines category and I am learning alot like I always thought engines were a mystery but they are becoming more clear and easier to understand

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Using the scope and a blown out rear end

I have learned a lot about using the scope(vantage pro) and how you can see what the electrical component is actually doing and how this can be used for diagnosis.

Friday, September 28, 2012

week hrs/ reflections on learning

9 hrs in class
20 hrs at work

Understanding and  troubleshooting electrical issues is very important.  I have learned this now that i am doing this at both school and work.  I learn more and more everyday. I look forward to learning more this next week.  Figuring out the lightboards was challenging especially with a poor schematic. Being able to see things clearly makes all the difference, and trusting your meter and numbers to be correct.

Monday, September 24, 2012

More valuable tools

This Is the class learning how to use this tool for checking out electric motors

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Building a relay tester

Documentation of building a relay tester in class.  The job itself wasn't to challenging but hooking up the lightbulb, fuse and relay together took some thinking

Week hrs/electrical

12 hrs in class
28 hrs at work
Total: 40 hrs

The pictures are me trying to figure the lighting boards at the Btc shop.  Trying to understand where everything goes with a little schematic was very challenging.  The other pictures are of a real life electrical problem.  The 4 ways would stop blinking every 10th blink. Also I got day three sheet done

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


When servicing I always look for rubbing hoses, loose bolts, cracks in the frame, broken parts, leaks etc. But also I have learned by bringing all my tools to the rack and combining tasks I can get done faster which is more efficient.  There is a balance between speed and quality of work

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Week hrs

30 hrs this week I  installed another clutch and serviced the rest of the week

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

Costly hard lesson

I learned a costly hard lesson today...make sure when using a air ratchet to take something off that you have a really good grip on the wrench..a wrench slipped off and caused this nice scratch

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week hrs/reflections on learning

40 hrs working and still learning my efficiency and learning are starting to mesh nicely

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Rear end

These are pictures of a rear drive differential.. the gears blew apart and the metal pieces destroyed everything inside.  It is a total lost and now they need a brand new rear end.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Work hrs/ japanese motor

Aug 6-10
Week hrs: 43 hrs
Total intern hrs: 243 hrs
I was servicing a Isuzu box truck today.  I don't like all the cartridge filters and tight spaces.  New kw's,pete's, frightliners,etc have all gotten tighter working spaces but the smaller Japanese made rigs are even smaller yet

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Rebuilding motor

I am in the process of helping rebuild a c-15 caterpillar motor. Rebuilding motors is a very time consuming task. It will take a least one full week at 8 hrs a day, but a very good learning experience.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Week July 30- Aug 3
Week hrs: 40 hrs
Total intern hrs: 200

Really cool truck

I saw this truck in bellingham today. It is a dodge cummins. There are a lot of cool things about diesel trucks

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Reflections on learning

Sometimes it is hard to work and learn because there is a constant balance between learning and efficiency. Sometimes learning takes longer and costs to much money

Friday, July 27, 2012

Week hrs/ reflection

July 23 -27  40 hrs
Total internship hrs: 160 hrs
It is very hard to reflect on learning in such a  fast paced environment... I do and learn so many things in one day I can't remember all of it but it is good in the aspect that I get a lot of training that a lot of other people miss out on

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Today i put in a heater core on an international..I am learning how  to figure things out on my own rather than ask for help.. which sometimes I think is a better learning experience

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

D2 governer

I put in a d2 governer today..a d2 governer controls the air pressure in the air tanks. The governer keeps the tanks at a steady 120 psi

Last week hrs

40 hrs

Monday, July 9, 2012

Reflections of learning

After watching all of the videos Jeff posted...I realized that there are so many different opportunities for a diesel technician and we are not limited the sky is the limit

Friday, July 6, 2012

Brand new truck/week hrs

2013 kenworth these are some things I noticed on it does anyone know what they are  and I worked 32 hrs this week

Nice truck and rear diff drain plug

One of the many nice truck we work on and and rear diff oil drain plug magnet with metal filings

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Weeks hrs

40 hrs and I did services, torque arms, brakes, transmission and clutch swaps and wheel seals all week

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Piston through side of block

The piston slapped around like a wrecking ball and broke everything and cracked the block

Friday, June 1, 2012

Steering Gearbox test

Learned that taking a steering gearbox apart can every difficult even if you have multiple people helping and multiple people watching

Monday, May 28, 2012

Busy week/ misc. Pictures

Pictures of worn out spring bushings,alignment stuff and engine rebuild of cat motor