Saturday, March 30, 2013

Week hrs

40 hrs. Running total well over 300 the pictures are of a twisted driveline and an air filter that has never been changed. The things I see in the industry due to lack of care or excessive abuse

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Weeks hrs

37 hrs this week I like the fact that learning never stops and every job in this business has its own challenges and strenths it makes for an interesting work week

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Week hrs

40 hrs I have been thinking about what the future holds for me do I go to MSU and continue college or do I officially enter the workforce. Do I stay at VP&M  or do I move on to a new chapter choices choices choices this is why I don't like the near end of college ha ha

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week hrs

40 hrs  I am glad that I have been staying busy at the shop.  I got to to look at a liftgate on a box truck and how it works and how to test for a bad motor. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week hrs

43 hrs this week. I had a good reminder of how  important safety is this week I had a 6 ton floor jack break the pin that holds the jack in place.  Lucky I had a air jack in the middle of the axle so the trailer didn't fall but it could have been really bad and someone could have gotten hurt.  I goes to show that even when you do things right there could be equipment failure so I always try to think about the "what ifs" and prepare for them